OPM chapter 145 review

KingKira’s View: One & Murata dropped another action-packed chapter this week, it was a quick but entertaining read. The chapter started off with Atomic samurai & Iaian facing Evil natural water, ENW is unharmed by Atomic’s attacks and it retaliates with water jets, Iaian’s sword breaks while defending himself but Darkshine pops up to save the day. It’s good to have Darkshine back on screen after a couple of chapters away, this also kind of confirms that Blast saved child emperor since Darkshine was the only other reasonable suspect. Darkshine proceeds to bathe in ENW’s water jet attack before popping it Bug god style. There is no way that was enough to take care of ENW, especially after Iaian pointed out that the water jets were getting stronger as well as the possibility of it absorbing the ocean behind them (It has to happen at some point).  

Is Atomic jealous?

The second half of the chapter switched over to Genos & Bang carrying Tatsumaki & Tanktop master to safety, they seemed to have outrun Vomited Fuhrer Ugly because he wasn’t shown in this chapter, considering how angry he was in the last chapter he’s probably going to appear again. Black sperm appears and attacks Genos & Bang with an army of clones, Genos is hit while Bang fends of BS clones, Atomic samurai shows up to cushion Genos’ fall and he also wants a rematch with Black sperm, you gotta love the banter between Black sperm & Atomic. Atomic decides to cut & beat Black sperms clones without letting them multiply. A large number of BS clones continue to pursue Bang & Genos, Tatsumaki attempts to bind the clones but BS escapes by splitting, the chapter ends with Darkshine attacking Black sperm, and the two look set to face off in the next chapter. The battlefield is heating up as more parties are getting involved, I’m excited to see Homeless emperor and Vomited Fuhrer ugly join the fight.

KingKira’s character of the week: Darkshine was great in this chapter and his impressive performance on the battlefield earns him the spotlight this week. Darkshine made light work of ENW and also saved Genos by landing an attack on Black sperm. Honorable mention to Black sperm for singlehandedly occupying the S-class heroes. 

KingKira’s best scene: Black sperm pursuing Genos & Bang is my pick. Shoutout to the shower scene. 

KingKira’s best panel: It increases the shine. I love the detail Murata put into some of the Darkshine panels especially this one. 

Judgment: I’m satisfied with what we got in this chapter. The battlefield is getting more chaotic and that’s what I needed. We were also treated to a shower scene, some pretty cool dialogue, and Black sperm getting more involved in the party. What’s a redraw? 8.5/10

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