OPM chapter 146 review

KingKira’s View: One & Murata keep feeding us with entertaining chapters and this week was no different, as always I appreciate the biweekly release schedule and the absence of redraws. The chapter started off with Bomb & Fubuki having a wholesome moment with a boob joke at the end, it’s cool to see more interactions between these two, now I’m waiting for the fans to start shipping them. Back on the battlefield, the heroes take on an army of Black sperms, Darkshine seems to be having the most fun out of the heroes as he dominates the clones he’s up against, as a result, Black sperm starts to consider a merger (which has to happen at some point), but decides to split even further creating a tsunami of clones in the process. Nichirin & the council of swordsmen joined the heroes in dealing with sperms clones. Black S confronts Homeless emperor who is basically just chilling and observing the battle, HE responds by bringing up the s-class kill contest. I’m enjoying the banter between Sperm & Homeless, It’s ironic because they were dubbed the ultimate tag team by Psykos but they haven’t been on the same page during this battle, I feel if they decide to team up it would become a grim situation for heroes.   

Back on the battlefield, Nichirin cuts the ground open allowing his disciple Spring mustachio to perform the tomboy barrage on several BS clones, it’s nice to see even Nichirin put some respect on Mustachio’s name. Amahare & Zanbai also showed their skill however the last we see of that scene is an explosion amid BS clones, I imagine BS has something up his sleeve which we’ll see soon. Genos drops Tank top master with Bomb & Fubuki and heads back to the battle, while Bomb & Fubuki manage to heal TTM a bit through a combined effort, at this point, I’ve accepted Fubuki’s healing powers but it’s still a bit weird thinking of its application. After healing him, an explosion occurs behind them and from the smoke, we see an almost completely monsterified Garou, my first impression of the new design is good, I like the scarf detail as well as the front view, Bomb informs Bang that Garou has appeared, Atomic samurai allows Bang to head over to Garou and the chapter ends with a faceoff between Garou Bomb & Fubuki. I’m very excited to see what Garou can do now, and with the prospect of a Bang rematch next chapter is going to be great, I’m also curious as to what Black sperm is going to do against the heroes. Where the heck is Fuhrer ugly?

KingKira’s character of the week: This was harder than I thought because on one hand I want to give it to Garou for his entrance but he didn’t actually do anything in the chapter, so based on the hype factor that he brought I’ve decided to share it between Darkshine & Garou. Darkshine was very impressive against the Black sperm clones as he dealt with thousands of clones with ease and without sustaining damage. Shoutout to Nichirin & Spring mustachio.

KingKira’s best scene: Some good action sequences to pick from but I’ll go with Black sperm covering the battlefield with clones, the amount of Black sperm clones is just insane. Shoutout to Garou’s entrance sequence.

KingKira’s best panel: The return of Garou. Murata’s evolution continues.

Tactical transformation Garou

Judgment: Another entertaining chapter with an exciting conclusion, we have a lot to digest before the next one, but I’m very satisfied with the chapter. We got some cool action sequences, the sword council joining the party and our boy Garou returned, I would have given the chapter an 8 or 9 but the Hero hunters return gave it a boost. I’m starting to forget what redraws are 10/10

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