OPM chapter 149 review

KingKira’s View: One & Murata are back again with another enjoyable chapter. I consider this to be more of a setup for what’s to come next. Homeless emperor picked things up from the last chapter by attacking Vomited Fuhrer ugly with a straight line bombardment, Fuhrer decides to run away from HE & GS, HE’s sadistic nature permits this to which GS obliges, GS goes on to humiliate an already broken Darkshine and sends him flying with a punch. Darkshine has had ups and downs in this arc but his downs have been really bad; I can understand that he got traumatized against Garou, but the intervention he got from the other heroes brought his confidence back, now after getting attacked by Vomited Fuhrer ugly & encountering Golden sperm he breaks down again and he even looks to be out of commission, it’s been established that Darkshine only wants fights where he can win & show off but it’s sad to see his stock plummet. Fuhrer ugly is now looking for revenge against Silverfang and there’s a high probability he interrupts the Garou vs Bang fight as a result, some black sperm clones watched Fuhrer from a distance before Metal Bat appeared looking for Garou, after getting attacked first by the clones MB destroys them with one swing, Its cool to see MB join the battle after being on the sidelines for so long, I honestly don’t think he can make any significant impact on the battlefield with the likes of Golden sperm & Homeless unleashed, King is also around somewhere hiding behind a rock.      

Homeless emperor fires an extreme carpet bombing at Iaian, spring mustachio & Atomic samurai; to my surprise, Iaian & Spring are somehow able to deflect the attacks, good on them but it seems Darkshine is getting rained on since he’s supposedly on the floor near the swordsmen, I guess he’ll be fine with his tough body. I was wrong about Blast saving Child emperor as he survived Homeless Emperor’s attack back in chapter 141 thanks to under dogman’s last gasp intervention. Child gives Dr. Bofoi a status report on the mission via text message, he also requests for backup but knowing how Metal Knight operates we know that’s very unlikely, it’s also nice to see Dr. Bofoi & Child used to have a chill relationship (Based on the previous text messages). Before child emperor’s oxygen runs out Puri Puri showed up to save him, let’s hope Child didn’t get the dark angel hug. The chapter concludes with black sperm surrounding a wrecked Genos & Tatsumaki before KING decides to make a move to save the day. I’m very excited for the next chapter and what King has in store for us, I also need more of the Garou vs Bang fight, and I’m still waiting for ENW’s return.     

KingKira’s character of the week: Black sperm maintains his spot here for his lethal performances with his Golden form and regular clones. His shine and strength overwhelmed Darkshine while the resilience of his regular clones defeated Genos & Tatsumaki. Shoutout to King for his epic entrance. 

KingKira’s best scene: King joining the party, I especially like how a limbless Genos is still holding on to Tats, It was also cool to see more named attacks from Homeless emperor as well as Golden sperms flex. 

is Genos simping?

KingKira’s best panel: Roar of the engine.

Judgment: Very pleasing stuff from One & Murata again this week; Impressive cover page, Homeless emperor joined the battle, Sperm shines, Metal bat returns, and the King engine cliffhanger ending. I would have given a higher score if we got to see something from the Garou vs Bang fight. 8.5/10

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