OPM chapter 151 review

KingKira’s View: One & Murata have returned with another chapter and it seems like we’re back to the bi-weekly release schedule. The chapter picked up from Homeless emperor’s relentless bombing assault on Iaian, Spring Mustachio & Atomic samurai; Iaian & Mustachio have a hard time but they are still able to deflect HE’s attacks while Atomic samurai prepares to use the sun blade. As Homeless decides to attack with a larger orb, Atomic samurai has a flashback about the sun blade and how to use it. The Sun blade is alive and it only allows those who are worthy to unsheathe it, Atomic passes the blade’s test just in time to intercept and cut HE’s large orb attack in a pretty cool sequence; Atomic charges at Homeless while deflecting his orbs but Golden sperm saves Homeless by blocking the sun blade with his arm. I found it ironic that Golden sperm saved Homeless Emperor from dying to the sun blade considering the emperor’s previous cocky attitude concerning the hero kills contest, Golden sperm ends up losing an arm as he tried to grab the sun blade. Interestingly, we got a number for clones that make up GS’ severed arm, I’m surprised he didn’t regenerate the arm immediately but that might have something to do with the sun blade, another possibility is that he uses existing clones to fix it.       

The sun blade returns to Atomics sheathe but takes a massive toll on his stamina and energy as the blade completely took over atomics spirit during use; the high risk explains why Nichirin didn’t use it before dying, it’s safe to say that atomic can only use the blade a few more times at best for the remainder of the battle. Golden sperm & HE move in for a counter-attack after noticing Atomics weakened condition, but they are interrupted by the King engine. For the 3rd time in a row, a chapter concludes with King facing off Homeless emperor & Sperm; Metal bat decides to lay low after seeing King, while child emperor and Puri also return to the surface with high morale. We still have a couple of unaccounted pieces in the battle like Vomited fuhrer ugly, Evil natural water, Psykos, Amai mask & Zombieman, I’m guessing one or more of these will pop up in the upcoming chapters. 

KingKira’s character of the week: I have to hand it to Atomic samurai (featuring the sun blade). This is one of atomics’ most impressive moments in the series, he took out Homeless emperor’s orb barrage and severed Golden sperms right arm.

KingKira’s best scene: I liked the action sequence between Atomic samurai & Homeless emperor, good stuff.

KingKira’s best panel: Atomic samurai x Sun blade 

Judgment: This chapter was a nice quick read, not very eventful but it’s still some good stuff, we got a good moment for atomic, a cool action sequence but I’ll have to take some points out for concluding at the same part for the last 3 chapters. 6.5/10 

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