OPM chapter 152 review

KingKira’s View: One & Murata dropped a banger on us this time around and I’m sure the fanbase as a whole can agree that this was a great chapter. There was a slight revision made in the last chapter to include Evil natural water returning to the battle. We picked up from the last chapter as King confronts the cadres. King is scared out of his mind and thinks he’s going to die as Golden sperm & Homeless try to figure out how to deal with King. Homeless emperor decides to go first by testing King with a giant orb, unfortunately, he starts having a conversation with King before attacking which allows King to gain the upper hand. Although we already knew Homeless was like a regular human without his god-given powers, we got further confirmation as King’s antics revealed Homeless’ secret. As Homeless was finally about to attack King, Zombie man emerged from the ground, grabbing the cadre by the neck, and because of the explosive power of the orbs Homeless is rendered useless by Zombie’s move. It’s good to see Zombieman alive and kicking after he was blasted out of commission by Homeless in Ch. 142, Child emperor was the happiest person to see ZM. 

Homeless emperor begs for help from Black sperm who is having none of it because of the threat of King. It’s quite unfortunate for Homeless emperor to have his stock drop in two consecutive chapters and we can attribute it to him being a regular guy that controls orbs, it’s sad to see him down like this now especially after his cocky attitude when the cadres come up to the surface. With Homeless subdued & evil natural water standing still as a result of an absence of killing intent or emotion from King, Black sperm takes it upon himself to defeat King. Child emperor comes up with a rather ridiculous plan that relies solely on a made-up King Attack, where did he even get the name from. Black sperm reveals the total number of cells he has and decides to do an even more flamboyant transformation with 54 trillion clones, leaving a unit of 100 cells as insurance. Metal bat was observing the situation since the last chapter, so he spotted the 100 unit sperm getting away and engaged it in battle, as this happened black sperm described the beauty of the ongoing merger while Puri rescued Genos & Tatsumaki. The chapter concluded with a Jojo reference as Platinum sperm burst forth. Very excited to see what Platinum can do, I mean Darkshine was far too weak according to Golden sperm so we can be sure that this new form is going to be crazy, I do like the design quite a bit, and it reminds me of the Silver surfer. I’m guessing we’ll switch over to Garou vs Bang in the next chapter. I wonder where Amai mask is now that Zombie man is out.

You had to learn the hard way

KingKira’s character of the week: Despite a very good display from King and Zombie man’s comeback, Black sperm stole the show once again. Black sperm maintained composure in the presence of King and provided the highlight of the chapter with his final form. We also got the total figure of sperms cell stock, legion is an understatement. 

KingKira’s best scene: The Platinum sperm transformation, as well as the weeping monologue, was just great, I love the fact that he turned to look at Platinum sperm even while Metal bat was attacking.     

KingKira’s best panel: Very difficult choice to make this week, but it’s sperm season so I’m giving it to the ejaculation spread. I have to give a shoutout to the Zombieman x Homeless emperor page, I like the detail of Homeless’ light ball disappearing on top of them. ZM looked badass, and unfortunately, we can’t say the same for Homeless whose stocks keep plummeting. 

Judgment: You love it don’t you, a fantastic chapter from One & Murata, I had to give an applause after reading it. We got a very hot cover page, the triumphant return of Zombieman, great comedy from King’s antics, and my favorite cadre dropped platinum on us. This is a nearly perfect chapter (would have been perfect for me if we got some Garou vs Bang action) nevertheless, It has earned a perfect score. 10/10 

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