OPM chapter 153 review

KingKira’s View: Wow! What a time to be an OPM fan & what an amazing treat this chapter was. One & Murata keep feeding us with high-quality chapters while also maintaining the bi-weekly release schedule and I’m loving it. It looks like we’ve entered the peak of this arc and we’re drawing closer to an explosive conclusion. The first act of the chapter continued the Bang v Garou fight, the last thing we saw of the fight in Ch. 150 was a little crack on Garou’s skin as a result of Bang’s efforts. Garou & Bang clash with their respective techniques, and while it looks even, Bang is accumulating damage from the shockwaves of Garou’s attacks, I wonder if Garou’s explosive heart fist technique is harmful to him since his heart keeps pulsing explosively with each punch. In the next sequence Bang dodges Garou’s attacks and criticizes his stance before kicking him to the ground, Garou gets up immediately and performs the roaring aura sky ripping fist, the same technique that Bang & Bomb used against Elder centipede, it’s impressive how Bang is actually deflecting this attack alone. An explosion erupts and this catches the attention of Vomited Fuhrer ugly. Bang & Garou continue to go at it and Bomb points out that the shockwaves are turning the debris to powder, Bang’s determination is clear for us to see and in the decisive exchange, Bang lands a clean punch on Garou but unfortunately, he gets grazed by his former pupil and that’s enough to put him out, before the fall he once again confirms that he was trying to do for Garou what Bomb did for him in his youth. Garou’s monster shell cracks and he appears to be in pain while Fuhrer Ugly shows up behind Bang ready for vengeance. With Bomb still injured we’re likely to see Garou fight VFU.


For the second half of the chapter we focused on Zombieman & Homeless emperor, Platinum sperm’s transformation in front of King was in the background. In case you were wondering why Zombieman didn’t immediately strangle Homeless emperor to death, ZM wanted more intel on how Homeless got his powers, this is when things got really interesting. With the moon above him, Homeless mentions god and before he can go on, god shuts him up, the pages turn to color and we see an entity on the moon (god looked a lot like B-class hero bone while standing up straight). Throughout the arc, we’ve had several ominous shots of the moon and now we finally get this epic scene, Homeless emperor is terrified as his reality is warped and he sees god in a massive field before getting burned to death. Homeless emperor’s stock has been dropping in recent chapters and now he dies in this one, in my humble opinion he didn’t do enough in this arc nor did he get any kills despite attacking the likes of Child emperor, Iaian & spring mustachio. Another thing that came to mind after witnessing god is why he didn’t show up when Homeless initially told ZM about his powers in the monster base because it seems like god killed Homeless because he was about to reveal his existence, my guess is that it has something to do with the moon. I’m also wondering if this god entity is the same one that granted Psykos & Orochi power in Ch. 132, the pattern of the planet-like being and the god we saw in this chapter looks very similar, and is this god connected to what Saitama & Flashy saw after touching the black cube, so many questions with this god reveal but it’s exciting. Not sure what we’ll get in the next chapter but I’m hoping for some platinum sperm action.           

KingKira’s character of the week: After that epic entrance the only answer for me is the mysterious entity, god. Despite great performances from Bang & Garou, god stole the show within a few panels and vaporized Homeless emperor.    

KingKira’s best scene: God’s amazing appearance takes it this week. Murata really outdid himself with this one. The gradual transition from black & white to color, the smooth paneling, and the detailed figure were all done excellently. I’ll give a shoutout to the final exchange between Bang & Garou.  

KingKira’s best panel: God x Homeless emperor. Murata just can’t stop ascending in his craft, we thought we had seen it all but the maestro dropped this ridiculous colored spread. I have to give honorable mentions to the god on the moon full panel and the spread where Bang punches Garou. Could this be Murata’s final form? I think not.

Judgment: This was a monumental chapter from One & Murata, you could even call it godly. I’m still buzzing from those colored panels, incredible stuff. We got our dose of satisfying action, story progression, and a cutting-edge appearance from god. Easily one of my favorite OPM chapters we’ve gotten this year and it will definitely be included in my top 5 (Watch out for that post).10/10 

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