OPM chapter 156 review

KingKira’s View: What a way to start OPM 2022! One & Murata aren’t letting up after last year’s epic conclusion and another memorable chapter has been delivered with a couple of talking points to go over, so let’s get into it. We picked up from the triple threat match, and Flashy Flash is getting attacked by both Platinum sperm & Garou, it’s a bit unfair if you ask me but I can see the logic since Flashy is the weakest out of the three. With his pride hurt more than ever, Flashy decides to go all out by using the Flash fist on Platinum, who takes a couple of blows before deflecting and kicking Flashy away, Flashy performs the flowing shadow feet against Garou but it’s not enough, Garou deflects it and Platinum puts the final nail in the coffin for Flashy as he attacks & taunts him to the ground. Despite his defeat, I feel Flashy gave a good account of himself in this fight and I won’t go on to slander him, not many heroes can face the likes of Platinum sperm & Garou. With Flashy defeated, the high-speed aerial battle becomes a 1v1 fight and the battle speeds up further until we get an epic conclusion. Garou sends Platinum crashing down before using his line against him to deliver the killing blow, I love Garou’s epic victory pose with Platinum blowing up in the background.         

We go over to Tatsumaki & we see god appear before her as Blast offering her powers, she can see through god’s temptation thanks to the real Blasts words but it’s interesting to see god’s aggressive recruitment strategy here and it makes me wonder why he needs so many pawns, he has already tried recruiting Saitama & Flashy as well as Psyrochi in this arc alone, the scene also reminded me of the Amai mask and Blast panel in chapter 135 but I don’t believe god was involved in that scene. It looks like god needs pawns to be able to act in this dimension. The real Blast appears in front of Tats and it’s clear that he was aware of god’s interaction with her, from the looks of things god & Blast have some history and that cube might hold the key to their link. It’s cool to see King & Genos meet Blast for the first time, Blast leaves Tatsumaki to King before he heads back to provide backup for his 8 comrades in another dimension, your guess is as good as mine as to who these new guys are but it looks like they are helping out in the big battle against god, I wonder how many years it will take for this plot point to get center stage in the story. After Blast disappears, a massive Sage centipede emerges from underground, and Evil ocean water emerges from the coast both with unknown disaster levels, Sage centipede says they were sent by god and that checks out since we know god is watching thanks to all the panels of the moon we’ve gotten. The chapter concludes with Garou defying god’s creature of wrath, classic Garou. I’m very interested to see how this fight plays out, will Garou defeat Sage centipede solo? Where is Amai mask? Where is Psykos? Hopefully, these questions are answered in the next few chapters.

KingKira’s character of the week: The Forever accelerating Garou. He defeated Platinum sperm and has already taken the initiative against Sage centipede. Blast deserves a shoutout for opening up a lot of possibilities with his appearance in this chapter. 

KingKira’s best scene: “Let me pass through for a sec”, Garou finishing off Platinum sperm was fantastic with consecutive spreads. I love how it was executed by Murata and this has become one of my favorite Garou moments yet.

KingKira’s best panel: Some great spreads to choose from this week but I’m going for Garou’s epic victory pose, Farewell Platinum sperm. 

Judgment: An amazing chapter to start the year and I’m excited for what One & Murata have in store for the next chapters. We got progression with the fights, God makes his move, King meeting Blast, Sage centipede & Evil ocean water joining the party & Garou is still roaring for action. 8.5/10

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