OPM chapter 156 review

KingKira’s View: What a way to start OPM 2022! One & Murata aren’t letting up after last year’s epic conclusion and another memorable chapter has been delivered with a couple of talking points to go over, so let’s get into it. We picked up from the triple threat match, and Flashy Flash is getting attacked by both Platinum sperm & Garou, it’s a bit unfair if you ask me but I can see the logic since Flashy is the weakest out of the three. With his pride hurt more than ever, Flashy decides to go all out by using the Flash fist on Platinum, who takes a couple of blows before deflecting and kicking Flashy away, Flashy performs the flowing shadow feet against Garou but it’s not enough, Garou deflects it and Platinum puts the final nail in the coffin for Flashy as he attacks & taunts him to the ground. Despite his defeat, I feel Flashy gave a good account of himself in this fight and I won’t go on to slander him, not many heroes can face the likes of Platinum sperm & Garou. With Flashy defeated, the high-speed aerial battle becomes a 1v1 fight and the battle speeds up further until we get an epic conclusion. Garou sends Platinum crashing down before using his line against him to deliver the killing blow, I love Garou’s epic victory pose with Platinum blowing up in the background.         

We go over to Tatsumaki & we see god appear before her as Blast offering her powers, she can see through god’s temptation thanks to the real Blasts words but it’s interesting to see god’s aggressive recruitment strategy here and it makes me wonder why he needs so many pawns, he has already tried recruiting Saitama & Flashy as well as Psyrochi in this arc alone, the scene also reminded me of the Amai mask and Blast panel in chapter 135 but I don’t believe god was involved in that scene. It looks like god needs pawns to be able to act in this dimension. The real Blast appears in front of Tats and it’s clear that he was aware of god’s interaction with her, from the looks of things god & Blast have some history and that cube might hold the key to their link. It’s cool to see King & Genos meet Blast for the first time, Blast leaves Tatsumaki to King before he heads back to provide backup for his 8 comrades in another dimension, your guess is as good as mine as to who these new guys are but it looks like they are helping out in the big battle against god, I wonder how many years it will take for this plot point to get center stage in the story. After Blast disappears, a massive Sage centipede emerges from underground, and Evil ocean water emerges from the coast both with unknown disaster levels, Sage centipede says they were sent by god and that checks out since we know god is watching thanks to all the panels of the moon we’ve gotten. The chapter concludes with Garou defying god’s creature of wrath, classic Garou. I’m very interested to see how this fight plays out, will Garou defeat Sage centipede solo? Where is Amai mask? Where is Psykos? Hopefully, these questions are answered in the next few chapters.

KingKira’s character of the week: The Forever accelerating Garou. He defeated Platinum sperm and has already taken the initiative against Sage centipede. Blast deserves a shoutout for opening up a lot of possibilities with his appearance in this chapter. 

KingKira’s best scene: “Let me pass through for a sec”, Garou finishing off Platinum sperm was fantastic with consecutive spreads. I love how it was executed by Murata and this has become one of my favorite Garou moments yet.

KingKira’s best panel: Some great spreads to choose from this week but I’m going for Garou’s epic victory pose, Farewell Platinum sperm. 

Judgment: An amazing chapter to start the year and I’m excited for what One & Murata have in store for the next chapters. We got progression with the fights, God makes his move, King meeting Blast, Sage centipede & Evil ocean water joining the party & Garou is still roaring for action. 8.5/10

OPM chapter 155 review

KingKira’s View: One & Murata are back from the kitchen with another fresh feast for the fanbase, I had a lot of fun reading this one so let’s get into it. We picked up from the last chapter as Saitama, Flashy & Manako arrive on the surface, and of course, King is delighted to see his ultimate life hack around. We see the other heroes taken out from Platinum sperms attack before Garou has a face-off with Saitama & co; Saitama rushes to Genos’ side and Genos gives Saitama a brief summary on his own perspective of the battle, it’s no surprise that Saitama wasn’t getting involved in the fights yet but I like how it was done. We switch over to Garou, who is trying to make sense of what’s been happening to him and we get confirmation that Post-Darkshine Garou was unconscious until now. While unconscious, he had dreams about his past as a student under Bang, and during his fight with Bang, a memory of the words that Bang once spoke to him triggered Garou to regain his consciousness. Flashy flash attacks suddenly but Garou dodges, as the two confront each other, Platinum sperm casually walks by attacking both Garou & Flashy with a couple of blows, I really like this spread and how it shows Platinum’s flamboyance and speed. Of course Garou & Flashy recovered from the attack but I was a little surprised with how unscathed Flashy was from it, which just shows how strong he is. 

Flashy flash declares war on Platinum sperm & Garou and both oblige creating a three-way monster vs unbiased vs hero fiesta, Flashy & Platinum clash before Garou attempts to stomp from above causing a huge explosion, a super-fast aerial battle similar to the one Flashy had against Hellfire flame & Gale wind, begins but on a bigger scale. King catches up to Saitama and expresses his relief about his arrival, he also gives credit to Genos for his efforts and Saitama & Genos go on to have a very wholesome moment in color. The aerial triple threat battle above Z-city was viewed as Tatsumaki’s psychic ability from an outsider’s perspective, I imagine this is why Flashy flash will still have a low rank after this arc. After Garou & Platinum hit Flashy with consecutive attacks, Platinum suggests that both team up to take out Flashy flash, I think it’s a nice touch that even though he has merged, sperm still finds pleasure in ganging up on opponents, unfortunately for him, Garou uses this opportunity to get a punch in. As the fight goes on, Garou’s own martial art technique is taking shape, the monster calamity God slayer fist, a combination of all the martial arts that Garou has absorbed in his fighting career, with this technique he gains the upper hand in the battle as he sends both opponents flying. I don’t believe either Flashy or Platinum are down yet but I’m expecting them to have taken some damage from Garou’s last attack. We go Underground to where Tatsumaki’s attack left Orochi and we see that as slime he creeps up to the alter and is slowly regaining its form, I thought Orochi was finally dead but it looks like he wants to join the party to get his precious sacrifice, unfortunately, god has other plans. I’ve thought of the possibility of god being responsible for Orochi’s revival because Orochi came in contact with god as Psyrochi in chapter 132, whatever the case maybe I’m excited to see Orochi join the battle, and with the conclusion of the chapter being Evil natural water absorbing a huge body of water and attacking a nuclear carrier, the battlefield is becoming a festival.               

KingKira’s character of the week: It’s the Garou show, his power, resilience, and speed earns the hero hunter the title this week. He matched Flashy in speed, boldly announces his goal of reaching disaster level God, played a trick on Platinum sperm, and invented his own technique; plus it’s been a while since we’ve had Garou fully conscious for an entire chapter so it’s good to have him back. Flashy flash deserves a shoutout for his impressive display. 

KingKira’s best scene: Project runway (Platinum edition).  

KingKira’s best panel: Romantic Master-student reunion. Murata has really taken it to the next level with these colored panels, I won’t be surprised if it becomes a more frequent thing in future chapters, I also like how this clears any doubts as to what Platinum sperm & Garou would look like in color. Shoutout to the Evil natural ocean spread.

Judgment: One & Murata delivered a chapter with all the good qualities of Opm on display, the battle continues to escalate and I’m loving it. We got a wholesome Master & student reunion, high-speed geometry battle, Evil Natural Ocean bringing refreshments, and the prospect of Orochi coming out to join the festival. Definitely up there in my opm chapter of the year list. 10/10 

OPM chapter 154 review

KingKira’s View: A week after dropping a monumental chapter, One & Murata are back again with another full course meal to satisfy our OPM cravings. The chapter starts off with the face-off between Platinum sperm & King, we get to see the full body shine of Platinum and I have to say that I’m liking his design the more I see it. The other heroes around watch with much anticipation for King’s hellfire burst wave motion canon, as King unfolds his arms, they begin to chant his name, However, Platinum sperm doesn’t appreciate it and instantly silences the heroes with his whip-like antenna, I like how much Platinum sperm is relishing the opportunity to face King. 

We switch over to Vomited Fuhrer Ugly ready to have his way with a defeated Bang, Bomb is still incapacitated and can’t save his brother while Garou continues to hold his face. The voice from Bang’s fists begin to reach Garou’s mind and trigger a reaction similar to what happened against Darkshine, VFU is attempting to perform a full-body melting punch on Bang but before it lands Garou lets out a wild roar and proceeds to perform some of his most impressive feats thus far. In under a second Garou blasts through VFU with a flying kick, runs to Platinum sperm to deliver a punch, deflects Evil natural water, and performs a combo attack on it. Incredible stuff from Garou, I don’t think Platinum sperm or Evil natural water is dead but it looks like VFU is done now. Of course, King will get the credit for this as it happened too fast for the observing Metal bat to see Garou, I love King’s reaction, what a lucky bastard. Speaking of Metal bat, it looks like he took out the 100 unit sperm clone as we can see a bloody bat & beaten up sperm in the background. Garou lands and he thinks of Bang, we see a tear from Bang as he passes out, I interpret his tears as regret for failing to put his former student on the right path, the chapter concludes with Saitama & co appearing before Garou, and for the first time since chapter 87, Garou & Saitama are face-to-face. Awesome stuff this week, I’m expecting Platinum sperm to put in work in the next chapter. We still have no idea where Amai mask & Psykos are, I’m hoping to see them soon.   

KingKira’s character of the week: It can only be the hero hunter & now cadre hunter, Garou, with his impressive speed feats, and power. Garou made light work of 3 dragon-level threats in less than a second and so far he is keeping his word to crush both the hero & monster associations, Post-Darkshine Garou is a serious problem. It’s also nice to see him regain consciousness thanks to the bond with his former master.

KingKira’s best scene: Without a question, Garou’s second of fury. It was beautiful to see the cadres get demolished by a moment of rage. I liked that Murata included the timer and an instant replay to the scene.  

KingKira’s best panel: Sperm season isn’t over yet. Honorable shout out to all the Garou panels we got. 

KingKira’s respects: I want to use this opportunity to pay my respects to the fallen cadre, Fuhrer ugly. He’s definitely been one of the highlights of this arc in my opinion, with all the carnage he has unleashed. Let’s go over some of his achievements; He embarrassed Amai mask in the monster base, Came to the surface to put Amai mask out of commission, squashed Zombieman, resisted & injured an exhausted Tatsumaki, ripped off Sosshi’s arm, demolished tank top master, killed Gums, killed Zanbai, Amahare & Nichirin. Well done, rest easy.

Rest in peace

Judgment: One & Murata delivered once again with another amazing chapter. Things really escalated this time around, we got one of the greatest speed feats in the series, a pinch of feels, the return of conscious Garou, King’s ultimate technique, and the return of Saitama. I enjoyed last week’s chapter more but this was awesome as well. 8.5/10

OPM chapter 153 review

KingKira’s View: Wow! What a time to be an OPM fan & what an amazing treat this chapter was. One & Murata keep feeding us with high-quality chapters while also maintaining the bi-weekly release schedule and I’m loving it. It looks like we’ve entered the peak of this arc and we’re drawing closer to an explosive conclusion. The first act of the chapter continued the Bang v Garou fight, the last thing we saw of the fight in Ch. 150 was a little crack on Garou’s skin as a result of Bang’s efforts. Garou & Bang clash with their respective techniques, and while it looks even, Bang is accumulating damage from the shockwaves of Garou’s attacks, I wonder if Garou’s explosive heart fist technique is harmful to him since his heart keeps pulsing explosively with each punch. In the next sequence Bang dodges Garou’s attacks and criticizes his stance before kicking him to the ground, Garou gets up immediately and performs the roaring aura sky ripping fist, the same technique that Bang & Bomb used against Elder centipede, it’s impressive how Bang is actually deflecting this attack alone. An explosion erupts and this catches the attention of Vomited Fuhrer ugly. Bang & Garou continue to go at it and Bomb points out that the shockwaves are turning the debris to powder, Bang’s determination is clear for us to see and in the decisive exchange, Bang lands a clean punch on Garou but unfortunately, he gets grazed by his former pupil and that’s enough to put him out, before the fall he once again confirms that he was trying to do for Garou what Bomb did for him in his youth. Garou’s monster shell cracks and he appears to be in pain while Fuhrer Ugly shows up behind Bang ready for vengeance. With Bomb still injured we’re likely to see Garou fight VFU.


For the second half of the chapter we focused on Zombieman & Homeless emperor, Platinum sperm’s transformation in front of King was in the background. In case you were wondering why Zombieman didn’t immediately strangle Homeless emperor to death, ZM wanted more intel on how Homeless got his powers, this is when things got really interesting. With the moon above him, Homeless mentions god and before he can go on, god shuts him up, the pages turn to color and we see an entity on the moon (god looked a lot like B-class hero bone while standing up straight). Throughout the arc, we’ve had several ominous shots of the moon and now we finally get this epic scene, Homeless emperor is terrified as his reality is warped and he sees god in a massive field before getting burned to death. Homeless emperor’s stock has been dropping in recent chapters and now he dies in this one, in my humble opinion he didn’t do enough in this arc nor did he get any kills despite attacking the likes of Child emperor, Iaian & spring mustachio. Another thing that came to mind after witnessing god is why he didn’t show up when Homeless initially told ZM about his powers in the monster base because it seems like god killed Homeless because he was about to reveal his existence, my guess is that it has something to do with the moon. I’m also wondering if this god entity is the same one that granted Psykos & Orochi power in Ch. 132, the pattern of the planet-like being and the god we saw in this chapter looks very similar, and is this god connected to what Saitama & Flashy saw after touching the black cube, so many questions with this god reveal but it’s exciting. Not sure what we’ll get in the next chapter but I’m hoping for some platinum sperm action.           

KingKira’s character of the week: After that epic entrance the only answer for me is the mysterious entity, god. Despite great performances from Bang & Garou, god stole the show within a few panels and vaporized Homeless emperor.    

KingKira’s best scene: God’s amazing appearance takes it this week. Murata really outdid himself with this one. The gradual transition from black & white to color, the smooth paneling, and the detailed figure were all done excellently. I’ll give a shoutout to the final exchange between Bang & Garou.  

KingKira’s best panel: God x Homeless emperor. Murata just can’t stop ascending in his craft, we thought we had seen it all but the maestro dropped this ridiculous colored spread. I have to give honorable mentions to the god on the moon full panel and the spread where Bang punches Garou. Could this be Murata’s final form? I think not.

Judgment: This was a monumental chapter from One & Murata, you could even call it godly. I’m still buzzing from those colored panels, incredible stuff. We got our dose of satisfying action, story progression, and a cutting-edge appearance from god. Easily one of my favorite OPM chapters we’ve gotten this year and it will definitely be included in my top 5 (Watch out for that post).10/10 

OPM chapter 152 review

KingKira’s View: One & Murata dropped a banger on us this time around and I’m sure the fanbase as a whole can agree that this was a great chapter. There was a slight revision made in the last chapter to include Evil natural water returning to the battle. We picked up from the last chapter as King confronts the cadres. King is scared out of his mind and thinks he’s going to die as Golden sperm & Homeless try to figure out how to deal with King. Homeless emperor decides to go first by testing King with a giant orb, unfortunately, he starts having a conversation with King before attacking which allows King to gain the upper hand. Although we already knew Homeless was like a regular human without his god-given powers, we got further confirmation as King’s antics revealed Homeless’ secret. As Homeless was finally about to attack King, Zombie man emerged from the ground, grabbing the cadre by the neck, and because of the explosive power of the orbs Homeless is rendered useless by Zombie’s move. It’s good to see Zombieman alive and kicking after he was blasted out of commission by Homeless in Ch. 142, Child emperor was the happiest person to see ZM. 

Homeless emperor begs for help from Black sperm who is having none of it because of the threat of King. It’s quite unfortunate for Homeless emperor to have his stock drop in two consecutive chapters and we can attribute it to him being a regular guy that controls orbs, it’s sad to see him down like this now especially after his cocky attitude when the cadres come up to the surface. With Homeless subdued & evil natural water standing still as a result of an absence of killing intent or emotion from King, Black sperm takes it upon himself to defeat King. Child emperor comes up with a rather ridiculous plan that relies solely on a made-up King Attack, where did he even get the name from. Black sperm reveals the total number of cells he has and decides to do an even more flamboyant transformation with 54 trillion clones, leaving a unit of 100 cells as insurance. Metal bat was observing the situation since the last chapter, so he spotted the 100 unit sperm getting away and engaged it in battle, as this happened black sperm described the beauty of the ongoing merger while Puri rescued Genos & Tatsumaki. The chapter concluded with a Jojo reference as Platinum sperm burst forth. Very excited to see what Platinum can do, I mean Darkshine was far too weak according to Golden sperm so we can be sure that this new form is going to be crazy, I do like the design quite a bit, and it reminds me of the Silver surfer. I’m guessing we’ll switch over to Garou vs Bang in the next chapter. I wonder where Amai mask is now that Zombie man is out.

You had to learn the hard way

KingKira’s character of the week: Despite a very good display from King and Zombie man’s comeback, Black sperm stole the show once again. Black sperm maintained composure in the presence of King and provided the highlight of the chapter with his final form. We also got the total figure of sperms cell stock, legion is an understatement. 

KingKira’s best scene: The Platinum sperm transformation, as well as the weeping monologue, was just great, I love the fact that he turned to look at Platinum sperm even while Metal bat was attacking.     

KingKira’s best panel: Very difficult choice to make this week, but it’s sperm season so I’m giving it to the ejaculation spread. I have to give a shoutout to the Zombieman x Homeless emperor page, I like the detail of Homeless’ light ball disappearing on top of them. ZM looked badass, and unfortunately, we can’t say the same for Homeless whose stocks keep plummeting. 

Judgment: You love it don’t you, a fantastic chapter from One & Murata, I had to give an applause after reading it. We got a very hot cover page, the triumphant return of Zombieman, great comedy from King’s antics, and my favorite cadre dropped platinum on us. This is a nearly perfect chapter (would have been perfect for me if we got some Garou vs Bang action) nevertheless, It has earned a perfect score. 10/10 

OPM chapter 151 review

KingKira’s View: One & Murata have returned with another chapter and it seems like we’re back to the bi-weekly release schedule. The chapter picked up from Homeless emperor’s relentless bombing assault on Iaian, Spring Mustachio & Atomic samurai; Iaian & Mustachio have a hard time but they are still able to deflect HE’s attacks while Atomic samurai prepares to use the sun blade. As Homeless decides to attack with a larger orb, Atomic samurai has a flashback about the sun blade and how to use it. The Sun blade is alive and it only allows those who are worthy to unsheathe it, Atomic passes the blade’s test just in time to intercept and cut HE’s large orb attack in a pretty cool sequence; Atomic charges at Homeless while deflecting his orbs but Golden sperm saves Homeless by blocking the sun blade with his arm. I found it ironic that Golden sperm saved Homeless Emperor from dying to the sun blade considering the emperor’s previous cocky attitude concerning the hero kills contest, Golden sperm ends up losing an arm as he tried to grab the sun blade. Interestingly, we got a number for clones that make up GS’ severed arm, I’m surprised he didn’t regenerate the arm immediately but that might have something to do with the sun blade, another possibility is that he uses existing clones to fix it.       

The sun blade returns to Atomics sheathe but takes a massive toll on his stamina and energy as the blade completely took over atomics spirit during use; the high risk explains why Nichirin didn’t use it before dying, it’s safe to say that atomic can only use the blade a few more times at best for the remainder of the battle. Golden sperm & HE move in for a counter-attack after noticing Atomics weakened condition, but they are interrupted by the King engine. For the 3rd time in a row, a chapter concludes with King facing off Homeless emperor & Sperm; Metal bat decides to lay low after seeing King, while child emperor and Puri also return to the surface with high morale. We still have a couple of unaccounted pieces in the battle like Vomited fuhrer ugly, Evil natural water, Psykos, Amai mask & Zombieman, I’m guessing one or more of these will pop up in the upcoming chapters. 

KingKira’s character of the week: I have to hand it to Atomic samurai (featuring the sun blade). This is one of atomics’ most impressive moments in the series, he took out Homeless emperor’s orb barrage and severed Golden sperms right arm.

KingKira’s best scene: I liked the action sequence between Atomic samurai & Homeless emperor, good stuff.

KingKira’s best panel: Atomic samurai x Sun blade 

Judgment: This chapter was a nice quick read, not very eventful but it’s still some good stuff, we got a good moment for atomic, a cool action sequence but I’ll have to take some points out for concluding at the same part for the last 3 chapters. 6.5/10 

OPM chapter 150 review

KingKira’s View: After a period of famine One & Murata have gifted us a new chapter well-armed in the feels department (especially if you’re a fan of Bang). In the conclusion of the last chapter, King made a Grand entrance but we started off with Garou vs Bang, the fight is looking a bit more even compared to the last exchange we saw in chapter 148 as both fighters trade blows. Garou proceeds to perform Bang’s sealed technique, explosion release fist, this acts as a Segway into a Bang & Bomb backstory. I must admit Bang is one of my favorite characters in the series (top 5) so this flashback was a pleasant surprise. Young Bang was on the wild side, he picked fights easily and used his martial arts only for his personal enjoyment but Bomb didn’t appreciate his brother’s lifestyle so he came around to discipline his junior brother and set him on the right path. After suffering a one-sided defeat, Bang decided to seal his explosive release fist, develop the Water stream rock smashing fist & start a dojo, much to the delight of Big brother Bomb. It was already clear that Bomb cared a lot about Bang but it’s nice to see his feelings shown.

We get back to the action and Garou starts to overwhelm Bang as Bomb gives us some commentary. Bang has a chance to use the explosion fist but doesn’t use it; I interpret Bang’s unwillingness to use his sealed technique as an indicator that he isn’t trying to kill Garou which is confirmed when he pours his heart out to his former student via his fists. Bang’s resolve is shown as he has decided to step down as a hero after this ordeal is concluded and reignite the master & student bond he had with Garou, Garou’s monsterified skin begins to crack and it looks like Bang’s feelings are slowly reaching Garou. With the flashback & heartfelt message, Bang’s motive for pursuing Garou is fully revealed, in a way, he sees his younger self in Garou and wants to bring him back on the right path. At the other battle, Black sperm clones continue to toy with Genos & Tatsumaki. Genos still manages to take out 3 clones after losing all his limbs (typical Demon cyborg) but the situation still looks hopeless, to make matters worse Black sperm reveals that he still has over a billion clones, this is outrageous considering Golden sperm is still on the battlefield. The chapter concludes with what looks like the roar of the King engine. Will King be able to save the day? Will Vomited Fuhrer ugly interrupt Bang vs Garou or will he run into Metal bat? Hopefully, these questions will be answered in the upcoming new chapters.   

KingKira’s character of the week: Bang is my pick for this week. It was cool seeing youthful Bang and his journey to developing as a martial artist, He also showed strong resolve to save his former student. Shoutout to Bomb for putting his brother on the right path, I also have to give a shoutout to legion sperm and his billions. 

KingKira’s best scene: This brief wholesome moment between these brothers had me smiling. 

KingKira’s best panel: Explosion of youth

Judgment: It’s great to be back again with a satisfying new chapter. The page count was satisfactory, we got to see playboy Bang, some brotherly love, and some feels, although we kind of got the same conclusion as the last chapter, you won’t find me complaining too much about that. 8.5/10 

OPM chapter 149 review

KingKira’s View: One & Murata are back again with another enjoyable chapter. I consider this to be more of a setup for what’s to come next. Homeless emperor picked things up from the last chapter by attacking Vomited Fuhrer ugly with a straight line bombardment, Fuhrer decides to run away from HE & GS, HE’s sadistic nature permits this to which GS obliges, GS goes on to humiliate an already broken Darkshine and sends him flying with a punch. Darkshine has had ups and downs in this arc but his downs have been really bad; I can understand that he got traumatized against Garou, but the intervention he got from the other heroes brought his confidence back, now after getting attacked by Vomited Fuhrer ugly & encountering Golden sperm he breaks down again and he even looks to be out of commission, it’s been established that Darkshine only wants fights where he can win & show off but it’s sad to see his stock plummet. Fuhrer ugly is now looking for revenge against Silverfang and there’s a high probability he interrupts the Garou vs Bang fight as a result, some black sperm clones watched Fuhrer from a distance before Metal Bat appeared looking for Garou, after getting attacked first by the clones MB destroys them with one swing, Its cool to see MB join the battle after being on the sidelines for so long, I honestly don’t think he can make any significant impact on the battlefield with the likes of Golden sperm & Homeless unleashed, King is also around somewhere hiding behind a rock.      

Homeless emperor fires an extreme carpet bombing at Iaian, spring mustachio & Atomic samurai; to my surprise, Iaian & Spring are somehow able to deflect the attacks, good on them but it seems Darkshine is getting rained on since he’s supposedly on the floor near the swordsmen, I guess he’ll be fine with his tough body. I was wrong about Blast saving Child emperor as he survived Homeless Emperor’s attack back in chapter 141 thanks to under dogman’s last gasp intervention. Child gives Dr. Bofoi a status report on the mission via text message, he also requests for backup but knowing how Metal Knight operates we know that’s very unlikely, it’s also nice to see Dr. Bofoi & Child used to have a chill relationship (Based on the previous text messages). Before child emperor’s oxygen runs out Puri Puri showed up to save him, let’s hope Child didn’t get the dark angel hug. The chapter concludes with black sperm surrounding a wrecked Genos & Tatsumaki before KING decides to make a move to save the day. I’m very excited for the next chapter and what King has in store for us, I also need more of the Garou vs Bang fight, and I’m still waiting for ENW’s return.     

KingKira’s character of the week: Black sperm maintains his spot here for his lethal performances with his Golden form and regular clones. His shine and strength overwhelmed Darkshine while the resilience of his regular clones defeated Genos & Tatsumaki. Shoutout to King for his epic entrance. 

KingKira’s best scene: King joining the party, I especially like how a limbless Genos is still holding on to Tats, It was also cool to see more named attacks from Homeless emperor as well as Golden sperms flex. 

is Genos simping?

KingKira’s best panel: Roar of the engine.

Judgment: Very pleasing stuff from One & Murata again this week; Impressive cover page, Homeless emperor joined the battle, Sperm shines, Metal bat returns, and the King engine cliffhanger ending. I would have given a higher score if we got to see something from the Garou vs Bang fight. 8.5/10

OPM chapter 148 review

KingKira’s View: One & Murata have been serving us back-to-back delicious chapters and this week was no different. We picked up from the end of the last chapter with Bang encountering Garou after Bomb was taken down. No time is wasted as Bang does his awakening breathing technique and decides to go all out, the master & student exchange blows, as this is happening Garou is shown performing the awakening breathing technique as well. Bomb & Bang confirm that Garou is still growing stronger during his fights. Bang gets the upper hand when he lands a few hits, knocking Garou into the air but Garou skillfully retaliates by smashing Bang into the ground, After witnessing Garou fight, Bang acknowledges that he’s much stronger now.

We switched over to Vomited Fuhrer ugly terrorizing the heroes and he performed a full-body melting punch directed at the swordsmen but Amahare & Nichirin push the other parties away leaving themselves to take the full damage of Fuhrer’s attack, Amahare died instantly while half of Nichirin’s body remained, Nichirin entrusts the swordmasters council to Atomic samurai along with the sun blade & he has a sad farewell with his student, Spring mustachio. I think it’s cool that the moon blade gives Atomic samurai a more concrete goal in the series and we could possibly even get an arc centered on Atomic samurai. With Vomited Fuhrer’s body melting the more he performs attacks, he reabsorbs the toxic substance he released to replenish his mass; the problem for Fuhrer starts when he absorbs some of black sperm’s clones with a cocky attitude, going as far as calling sperm livestock. An enraged Black sperm observes the battlefield before deciding to merge his clones into Golden sperm, it’s a simple design but I like how he turned out, especially his facial expression. For now, I can’t tell if sperm merged every single clone he has into one or if he merged a lot and still has some of the black clones dealing with Genos & Tatsumaki, we’ll find out next chapter. The chapter concludes with Golden sperm bullying Vomited Fuhrer ugly and putting him down easily, not even Fuhrer’s toxic substance can harm Golden sperm. I’m excited to see Homeless emperor’s reaction to Golden sperm and I wonder who he’ll fight since most heroes available are in pretty bad shape, there’s also Garou vs Bang to look forward to, Garou has the advantage now but Bang is still roaring to go.     

KingKira’s character of the week: Black sperm snatches it directly from Vomited Fuhrer ugly this week thanks to his epic merger. In less than 3 pages Golden sperm took down the same Vomited fuhrer ugly that has been a menace on the battlefield without taking any damage.   

KingKira’s best scene: Tough choice this time around but I’ll go with Golden sperms bright entrance. I love how Murata showed golden sperm speed blitzing Vomited fuhrer ugly before revealing his shiny form; his demeanor & manner of speech was also cool to see. A major shoutout to the Garou vs Bang fight, awesome sequences as usual.  

KingKira’s best panel: Sperm season.

Please refrain

Obituary: We are here to honor the fallen warriors of the swordmasters council, Amahare & Nichirin, they join their brother Zanbai who died in the last chapter. Amahare & Nichirin made their first appearance in chapter 69 and passed away as a result of a full-body melting punch from Vomited Fuhrer ugly. Apart from his design Amahare didn’t leave much of an impression on me and his fighting style didn’t get much spotlight, Nichirin, on the other hand, had a cool design and his Iai Rahu asura slash looked impressive, it’s safe to say he was on the same level as Atomic samurai. My thoughts and prayers to Nichirin & Amahare fans out there. Shoutout to Fuhrer for the killings

Judgment: One & Murata did it again, producing another fantastic chapter for us to enjoy. We got more action with Garou vs Bang, more deaths on the hero side as well as a new goal for Atomic samurai, and the golden entrance; the stakes keep getting higher and I’m loving it, the only problem is that I need more. 10/10

OPM chapter 147 review

KingKira’s View: Action action action and I’m loving it. As always I’m grateful to One & Murata for the consistent chapter releases. The chapter picked up from the last with Garou making the first attack on Bomb, Bomb holds his own as he’s able to keep up with Garou, and the fight is so fast that Fubuki can’t even see what’s going on. Bomb hits Garou in order to move the fight away from Fubuki; Pig god finds Fubuki and it seems like Fubuki and Pig god will heal tank top master some more, I personally would prefer it if Ttm stays out of commission but we’ll see how that develops. We switch over to Black sperm taking on the heroes, a massive black sperm grabs Tatsumaki from underground but Genos once again saves Tatsumaki as he did against Psyrochi, Black sperm knocks Genos down and to my surprise Genos gets back up immediately due to his contemporary art proof functionality, this is a cool callback to when he got wrecked by Carnage Kabuto, I believe he must have gotten this upgrade after the house of evolution arc as he states that the functionality made use of the data from Tatsumaki’s attack during the aftermath of Boros’ invasion. I still like how Tatsumaki now has respect for Genos, I’m sure the professional shippers had fun with this scene.

I had been wondering where he was but Fuhrer ugly finally showed up looking disgusting and smelling even worse, angry & hungry for revenge on Bang. Darkshine attacks with the superalloy double bazooka Fuhrer responds with a forearm melting punch, the result is painful for Darkshine as his impenetrable skin takes damage, FU fires another acid ball on Darkshine’s chest leaving him to roll on the ground in agony, Zanbai jumps in to attack but his sword is melted and he is given a gruesome death, Atomic samurai and Nichirin perform the atomic slash & Iai Rahu-asura slashes but they do nothing in the face of Vomited Fuhrer ugly’s toxic body. With Fuhrer’s statement, it’s now confirmed that Gums is dead but the good thing is that the threat of Vomited Fuhrer ugly is now much greater than the initial Gums/Fuhrer tag team and once again Fuhrer raises the stakes and creates a seemingly hopeless situation for the heroes, Fuhrer ugly now officially leads the Cadres survival of the fittest game. Bomb & Garou continue their fight and for the most part, it looks even but Garou gains the upper hand by canceling out Bomb’s whirlwind iron cutting fist and knocking him down, the chapter ends with Bang and Garou facing off. Great chapter, the battles keep getting more intense each chapter and I’m here for it, I’m curious to see who deals with Vomited Fuhrer ugly and I’m excited for the main event Bang vs Garou.

KingKira’s character of the week: Fuhrer ugly once again shows how much of a fearsome monster he is by wreaking havoc on the battlefield in such little time. He melted some Black sperm clones, took on the double bazooka, and came out on top, killed Zanbai easily, and left Atomic samurai & Nichirin with melted blades after taking their trademark attacks, very impressive feats.   

KingKira’s best scene: I’ll go with the Garou vs Bomb fight, I like how Murata handled the choreography, it was smooth and easy to follow. I especially like this panel showing them going at it.

KingKira’s best panel: Master & Student.

Obituary: It is with great joy & sadness that I announce the death of swordsmen council member, Zanbai. He made his debut in chapter 69 and passed away as a result of his face getting melted by Vomited Fuhrer ugly’s acid. Can’t really say much about him other than his decent design as he didn’t get much screen time. He is survived by his brothers of the swordsman council (Amahare might be next!). I offer my thoughts and prayers to any Zanbai fans out there.

Rest in peace

Judgment: This was an exciting & action-packed chapter, I got what I wanted and some more. Some dope fights sequences to enjoy, Bomb put in work, Vomited Fuhrer ugly raising the stakes and death on the heroes’ side. With the quality we’re getting it’s becoming hard not to give these chapters a 10 but I enjoyed this one almost as much as the last chapter. 10/10

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