OPM chapter 118 review

dk nyan

KingKira’s View: This was a fantastic chapter, great job from One and Murata, this monster association arc has been incredible and things are only going to keep getting better. We continued from where we last left off from chapter 117 with DK and Nyan’s confrontation and we immediately see Drive knight using his “Lance” form to attack Nyan, DK then goes on to use the “Knight”, “Flying chariot”, “Bishop”, “Gold” & “Silver” transformations to overwhelm a pretty powerful Nyan (I mean he’s a cadre for a reason), Can we all just acknowledge that Drive Knight is an absolute beast!!! Murata really did an amazing job with the artwork, DK’s transformations looked really good and Nyan also looked ferocious in his presentations this chapter. The chapter ended with DK emerging the victor as he carried Nyan to Sekingar who actually showed impressive strength by carrying multiple members of the support team to safety.


Kingkira’s character of the week: It would be a crime not to give it to DK at this point, I mean he took out a cadre without much difficulty. His tactical transformations were really amazing, it was especially satisfying to see because DK has always been a mysterious character.


Kingkira’s best scene: My favourite scene has to be when DK and Nyan both state that they have decided on their method of execution. I also really liked the scene when Nyan hit DK with the Feline retribution and DK tanked it with his “Gold” form.


Kingkira’s best panel: My favourite panel has to be the face off-panel between DK and Nyan when they both state that they have decided on their method of judgment. The “Gold” form reveal panel was fantastic and the very last panel of DK carrying Nyan’s dead body was really badass.


Judgment: I REALLY enjoyed this chapter, easily in my top 5 chapters for 2019. The art was incredible, fight sequences were amazing not to mention that DK has always been one of my personal favourite S-class heroes 10/10.

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