Manga recommendation: Sanctuary

Story: Sho Fumimura

Art: Ryoichi Ikegami

Status: Completed

Genre: Crime, Thriller, Politics

Storyline [Spoiler free summary]: focuses on the journey of two young men (A Yakuza Don & a Politician) on a quest to reform Japan. The storyline flows well and the decisions made by the characters have major consequences on the outcome of the story, showing just how well thought out it was, it also has its fair share of suspense.

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Does it get good fast: Yes, The first few chapters take you into the violent and corrupt world of both the Yakuza and the government, there are a couple of badass moments to enjoy along with some character introductions here and there. I think if it doesn’t win you over in the first 10 chapters it’s not for you.

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Art: The art style is really impressive and classy which fits the plot perfectly in my opinion. It has a very smooth texture and feel to it, the facial expressions and fashion are illustrated brilliantly. The backgrounds and structures look crisp and highly detailed. There are several full page panels and double-page spreads throughout the series, it also has good volume covers.

Pacing: Sanctuary has great pacing and it manages to pull you in with suspense and high stake moments. Scenes never drag on and each event moves the story forward, there are very few unnecessary moments in the series and I think that helps the pacing.

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Humor: As far as humor is concerned, Sanctuary has few instances of comedic relief. The series maintains a very serious tone but has a couple of light-hearted moments that will put a smile on your face.

Characters: There are several badass characters to watch out for in the series, I enjoyed the relationships & dialogue that went on between them. A couple of characters have great backstories and moments of development. My two favorite main characters are Akira Hojo and Mr. Tokai while Onishi is my favorite supporting character.


What I like most: The three things I like most about the series are the very smooth art style, awesome cast of characters, and the pacing and flow of the story.

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Personal ranking: After completing Sanctuary, I think it’s up there among some of the best series I’ve read, I just completed it and it could be a recency bias thing but it makes its way into my top 20 favorites list.

Closing thoughts: Sanctuary is a very satisfying ride until the very last chapter, I consider this a masterpiece in my humble opinion. It slowly pulls you in and manages to keep things interesting by maintaining high stakes. I found it hard to stop reading many times during the most intense moments and I usually had to read multiple chapters in one sitting. I highly recommend it if you’re into stories revolving around crime and politics.

Thanks for stopping by.

Manga recommendation: Dorohedoro

Author: Hayashida Q

Status: Completed

Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Seinen, Sci-fi

Storyline: [Spoiler free summary] focuses on the adventures & misadventures of a lizard faced man trying to get his human face back. The storyline can get confusing and is pretty well written with a lot of twists and turns, it’s also quite unpredictable. The relationships between the main cast really drive the storyline forward in a really great way

Does it get good fast: Yes! The first few chapters are very intriguing and it pulls you in with action and character introductions.


Art: The art style is pretty unique and it took me a little time to get used to. It has a very sketch like texture. The backgrounds and structures look really good and it perfectly fits the bizarre story. I really love the color pages and volume covers

Pacing: I was very satisfied with the pacing. It rarely drags on and each event moves the story forward.


Humor: This series has amazing comedy, it’s one of my favourite things about the series. I believe the fact that the series doesn’t take itself too seriously adds to its charm.

Characters: I can’t stress how hard I fell in love with the characters. I haven’t read many manga series with such a wide range of likeable characters. I also really like the badass and bizarre character designs. Each main character is given a good amount of attention and screen time. You can tell Hayashida really loves some of these characters.


What I like most: The three things I like most about the series are the fantastic character interactions, the bonus curses (chapters) and the way Hayashida explains things to the readers through side notes and the “what we learned” section at the end of each volume.

Personal ranking: After completing Dorohedoro, I would definitely put it in my top 10 favourite manga series list.


Overall thoughts: Dorohedoro is a masterpiece in my humble opinion, I highly recommend it. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the series to the point that I had a bitter-sweet experience when I completed it because of my attachment to the characters. The only thing I can nitpick about is how a few panels are hard to understand due to the art style.

Thanks for reading. See you in the next post.

Manga recommendation: The way of the house husband

I’m a big fan of the sense of humour that manga offers and I recently caught up with the hilarious series Gokushufudou (The way of the house-husband) by Oono Kousuke so I thought I would choose this series as my first of many manga recommendations.

The title gives away a chunk of the plot but we find out in the first chapter that Tatsu the househusband is a legend in the yakuza world who decided to follow a new path. I must say one of my favourite things about the series is the main character Tatsu, it isn’t an easy feat to create a character that is extremely badass, funny and inspiring at the same time, let’s not forget he is also an incredible cook.


The art quality is top notch, definitely one of the best I’ve seen in a while because there are so many beautiful panels to look at in this series, the drawings are very detailed with some solid panel direction which makes for a smooth read. I found it interesting that the series is set in our present day, so things like smart phones and social media play a part in some chapters. The funny scenes usually involve our main character Tatsu treating the everyday life of a househusband like a yakuza mission, I guess you can’t take the yakuza out of the man.

I highly recommend this series even though it has only 20 chapters for now as its still ongoing because it is a very enjoyable comedy. Thanks for reading and see you soon.


Compliments of the season guys, I wish you all a happy new year and I hope you enjoyed the holiday season (*inserts fireworks*).

Here are my top 10 favourite manga series of all time (My Babies), it was pretty hard to come up with these 10 because there are some other great works I would have liked to squeeze in, I’ll shout out some in the honourable mentions. My No 1 has been fixed since I read it and I usually alternate No 2 & 3.

10 HIMIZU: I really like dark psychological series and this one delivers exceptionally well in my opinion. I won’t recommend this to everyone as it could be considered to be a pretty depressing and disturbing read. The 2 things I love most about the series are the character interactions and the manner in which the dark themes are explored.

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9 JOJOS BIZARRE ADVENTURES: I really like the vibe that Jojo brings to the table. The plot is really well executed and you can feel the intensity of the dangerous situations our protagonists get involved in. I love the unique character designs and abilities (seriously, I love the unique character designs and abilities) and the art quality is also very impressive. If you’re looking for a unique & refreshing manga experience, Jojo could become one of your favorites.


8 MONSTER: Monster is an absolutely fantastic psychological thriller and it has arguably one of the best villains I have ever seen. Objectively speaking, it is one of the best written series I’ve ever read. The characters are really well written and it keeps you engaged and at the edge of your seat throughout (by the way there are no fantasy elements involved in the series). I consider it to be a highly thought provoking story, I highly recommend this series if you want a change from the battle or fantasy genre.


7 VINLAND SAGA:  If you like Game of thrones this is one series you would enjoy. I love the savagery of the characters, the quality of the art is really incredible, the development that some of the characters undergo is absolutely fantastic, let’s not forget about Thorkell the tall, this series has it all and the recent chapters have been pretty solid. I highly recommend Vinland Saga.


6 KINGDOM: This series is very near and dear to my heart, it’s easily one of my best experiences in manga (I basically read over 300 chapters in a week). Where do I start from? The fantastic characters, the incredibly intense wars, the savage duels, the amazing double page spreads, those epic moments that send chills down your spine, the politics, The Hi Shin unit, Great General Renpa, Great General Ouki *sighs*. Kingdom is truly a gift that keeps giving.


5 BIOMEGA / BLAME / DIGIMORTAL: I know I’m cheating by including 3 of Tsutomu Nihei’s works in 1 spot but I couldn’t help it because Biomega is like a prequel to Blame and Digimortal is a very short work. I’ll admit that these 3 series have their faults but in my opinion they are masterpieces. The creativity and uniqueness put into the character & structural designs is absolutely phenomenal. These are probably my favourite Sci-fi titles in all media. The action scenes are also uniquely drawn and are really enjoyable to read. They also have pretty deep and well written storylines (Except Digimortal, its 2 chapters long).


4 ONE PUNCHMAN: One puuuuuuuunncchhhh. I absolutely love this series, from the fantastic art quality that Yusuke Murata delivers consistently, to the GOAT main character Saitama, to the absolutely ridiculous fights, to the humour, this series gives me all I want and more. 2018 was a great year for one punchman and I’m excited about this series going into 2019.


3 VAGABOND: This series has arguably the best artwork in manga history. Takehiko Inoue is an absolute genius. This historical samurai series is truly epic and it gives a fictional account of the life of Miyamoto Musashi. I really love the development of the main character, some moments are unbelievably epic (I was literally jumping for joy), it also has a very philosophical vibe going on, I also really like how it shows more than just duels but also moments in the characters’ lives.


2 BERSERK: First of all, if you haven’t read Kentaro Miura’s masterpiece stop reading this post and start reading Berserk. Berserk is widely regarded as one of the greatest manga series of all time and it is more than worthy of that honour. I can’t even begin to describe how brilliant this series is, the quality of the art is incredible (constantly improves as the story progresses) the storyline is epic, the characters are absolutely badass. It’s Gritty, violent, very dark and very scary (to me it ain’t scary). Go read Berserk.



1 SHIGURUI: My favourite series of all time has to be Shigurui *takes a deep breath*. I can’t forget reading this series in just 2 days (I literally couldn’t stop reading it), I couldn’t stop thinking about how great it was. Personally I can’t find a single fault in this series (I’m sure there are). It’s a pretty violent and graphic historical samurai series so I won’t recommend it to everyone but as far as samurai titles go this is one of the best from a quality standpoint. The art is pretty good, the storyline is excellent, the fights are really well choreographed, has one of the best rivalries I’ve ever seen in manga and the literature used in the narration is top class.


HONOURABLE MENTIONS: Dorohedoro, Onani master kurosawa, Aku no hana, ping pong, knights of sidonia, Oyasumi punpun, Holyland, Shamo, Kaiji, Killing Stalking, Kengan asura, 20th century boys, Uzumaki and Deathnote

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